Kookaburra Retreat is taking part in Relay For Life 2021 but it’s being done differently this year due to Covid19.
We are going to Relay Our Way.
Why, you ask? Well, it’s all to raise vital funds for the Cancer Council. Every dollar we raise will help fund life-changing cancer research, provide vital support for people affected by cancer, and develop prevention programs that will help us move towards a cancer free future.
On the night we will have loads of fun activities including raffles, auctions, games and a very special Hope ceremony.
Bring your spare change (even the smallest amount makes a difference).
Entry is $10.
Register online for $25 to get a Relay Shirt.
You can also show your support for this special cause by making a donation on our fundraising page:
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Please note this is a covid safe event, meaning;
* That you are not showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature, coughing, sore throat or have difficulty breathing).
* That you have not had close or casual contact with a person who has been confirmed with COVID-19.
* That you will follow SDFA’s directions regarding hand hygiene.
* You are required to remain 1.5mtrs apart from other attendees.
* 16 Person limit.
If you would like to help with organising, please let Max or the committee know.